Sunday, September 2, 2012


So very sorry for the little blog vacation.  I got a lovely 4 day weekend from work that I have spent in good ole Sulphur Springs.  I have been living the ultimate country life the past couple of days.  Friday we did some fishing in a pond with my Aunt Sandra. Yesterday had a wedding shower for my baby cousin and then did some skeet shooting!   No nugget and I did not partake in the shooting activities.  And yes we were covered in bug spray.

So over the past week or so I have really had the concept of faith on my heart and mind, and God confirmed that by making it a Sunday school lesson this morning.  And the last song we heard fbefore we walked in to church was Hope's Anthem. Which has been one of my favorite songs lately. 

Where does your hope lie? Where does your hope come from?  What is hope to you? 

Is hope just wishful thinking? Is it just thinking something might happen? 

According to my God, hope has a purpose! Hope is expecting the outcome.   Because my God has promised a future, my hope lies in Him. 

Maybe you are thinking your hope lies in your children or family or job, but where did all those things come from?  They are blessings that God has given you responsibility of.  So are we thanking God for all those things, are we giving God the credit and glory for these things, are we taking care of all these responsibilities?  

You can't have hope in these things without having hope in God, knowing He is where are future lies.  He is our purpose. 

As I bring this sweet little baby into this world, I have to remember that God will have his own purpose for him.  He is entrusting us in raising him, and brining him up to know and love Him.  So I can put my hope into this blessing have to put it into the Father.  

Just food for thought.