Thursday, September 20, 2012

24 Weeks

We hit 24 weeks today!  Do you know what that means?  I had to take the dreaded glucola test today...dun.dun.dun!

News flash it wasn't that bad at all! It was 10oz of really sweet fruit punch cool-aid.  I drank it like in 2 minutes didn't even flinch and haven't felt bad all day.  So all those prego ladies who are dreading it, don't listen to all the negative nellies, its totally doable!

But other updates are:

  • feeling great
  • getting and feeling very pregnant
  • loving pretty much all foods
Not a whole lot of new stuff going on in the nursery.  I am planning on couple of new DIY's for this next week that I will be showing.  Mom and dad are bringing in the bedding tomorrow!  We NEED to paint!  

Bathroom has been at a stand still most of the week.  Monday and Tuesday they redid the electricity and lighting in the room.  Until then we have been waiting on the bathroom fixtures so plumbers could come. 

They came in today!  So plumbers will be here tomorrow and Saturday.  Then Monday, he will start putting the bathroom back together!  

Crazy busy week.  I will get some belly pictures to you this weekend, sometime. I did get fun stuff in the mail today.  Birthday presents and did some early Christmas shopping!


  1. Yay for Zulily!!! And you deserve a long relaxing weekend!! And lots of rest!

    1. No baby stuff in the Zulily box though :( Christmas presents, instead but it didn't take too terribly long.

  2. Glad the test went well! I've had friends who've had different experiences with it (some who like you didn't have a problem and others who hated the whole thing). Hopefully it'll be easy for me when the time comes. :)

    1. The key is to go in mind over matter! And bring water with you so you can wash it down. But it wasn't that bad at all. You will be a pro!
